If life really did go this fast, things repeated, came, go, fade to black.What could you remember, what would you want to remember? Why do we race, when we're running in circles, what a funny way to fall, right? Where did the love go? Is it just lust? How about the curiosity? Or is it that you already know that answer to life's questions.
My passion in media I don't even know if it is media, but to me, there books. Books are my life. I would cry to see a book of mine burn. Even more if they all did. Books are my passion because you are not fed by what other people believe this character could be, will be, is. Only words tell you whats going on, it's up to you too see what going on in your own thoughts. In your own actions, in your own mind, because its what it's what we want to see, how we want to interpret it.

Though people don't have that strong connection put into words written on paper.So pictures and sounds come into play.I love my video games and I love my movies. With games not only can you pick out who you want to be, but you can play your character out. Though with movies, movies mix everything up.Twist reality with imagination, and make history come back to life. Movies can pretty much show you anything, and make your emotions soar because of the different genres with them. Action, Horror, Drama, Comedy, Documentaries, Musicals, Fantasies, Science Fiction. With movies they show you things you never thought could happen. You never know that movies can be based off true stories.When movies are like that, it tell us what really goes on in the world.
Today's world is going to the machines, the old ancient machina. My thoughts on today's modern popular culture is relying o

The Desert Island.
Help help, look I am trapped on a island in the middle of no where. Though what do I find laying at my feet are three types of media that could entertain me as I get Wilson to signal me help!
I was thinking that If I would have my Nintendo 64 to play on, I would definitely drag my Legend of Z
elda - Ocarina of Time game with me. I love that game, cause I can never get bored of it. There's always things you can do in that game without actually defeating any temples. Just go race Epona, and wonder where all the fairies came from in the Kokari Village. How deep Hyrulian Lake really is. How long you can hold your breath for without putting on the water tunic, and not removing the iron boots. See if you can catch the biggest fish in the fishing pond. This game has to be one of the most amazing games made for that time period before Windwaker, and Twilight Princess. As I dig deeper into my bag of unknown goodies, I find myself pulling out, well what seems to be my old music player that seems to transform into a lighter. Kidding that would be to weird. Anyways I pulled out my iPod and wondered if all my music was still on it and I was thinking that I would love if it actually came with headphones, or something to blast the music out of.

I love
my music, I love music in general because there is always something new coming out and thank you for Billy Talent filling my kitchen's empty space. Music is something that anyone can listen to because there's so many styles. So many genres of music, and in life it is something that no one is really going to give up because of something stupid and banning music all over the world. People are still going to post music, created music. Music I think is pretty much unstoppable. Because music started to far into the past of far will it reach into the future. It would reach far enough that our ar
m would be too stretched we would have someone else scratch our backs for us. Though as I deep deeper into this endless bag of mind I feel something small. Like a brick but this time softer. As I pull it out from my now wrapped up knapsack, I find out that this little book of mine is one of my favorites.

Stephen King is one of my favorite authors and I absolutely love him and I would want to marry some of his stories is I could. Though with his collections of short stories like 'Night Shift' and 'Everything Eventual' have some of my favorite shorts in them. I could never get bored on my island if I always have a King book with me. I just realized that if I don't like a short story that Stephen wrote I can always just use it to start a fire.
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